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Eat more Pumpkin in Autumn Supplements Coix Seed with Taro in Pumpkin Pot
April 19, 2024  |  autumn supplements,coix seed& taro& pumpkin,blood tonic,beauty
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Maintain Physiological Functions of the Body Pumpkin is rich in vitamins, including carotene, vitamin C and vitamin B2. In addition, pumpkin also contains some iron and phosphorus, which play an important role in maintaining physiological functions of the body. Enrich the Blood and Beautify the skin Pumpkins contain an ingredient called cobalt, which will enrich the blood after eating. Eating pumpkin frequently can help skin beautiful. Especially it has beauty efficacy for the female. Zhang zhidong, a famous official of qing dynasty once advised Empress Dowager Cixi to eat pumpkin more. Enrich the Blood and Beautify the skin Pumpkins contain an ingredient called cobalt, which will enrich the blood after eating. Eating pumpkin frequently can help skin beautiful. Especially it has beauty efficacy for the female. Zhang zhidong, a famous official of qing dynasty once advised Empress Dowager Cixi to eat pumpkin more. Eliminate Phlegm and Relieve Cough In traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that pumpkin is warm and sweet, which can eliminate phlegm, relieve cough, benefit qi and have a lot of benefits to the human body. It can cure diseases such as qi deficiency and fatigue, intercostal neuralgia and malaria.

5.00g Salt
200.00g Pumpkin
20.00g Coix seed
200.00g Taro
250.00ml Coconut milk
2.00disc Garlic
2.00slices Ginger
5.00g sugar
15.00g Vegetable oil

  • Get the materials ready : coix seed, ginger, garlic, taro, pumpkin and coconut milk.
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  • Get the materials ready : coix seed, ginger, garlic, taro, pumpkin and coconut milk.
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  • Slice garlic. Peel taro, pumpkin, peel and cut them into water chestnuts of moderate size.
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  • Put Vegetable oil in the pan. Add and saute the ginger slices and the garlic slices until half-baked. Then put taro and pumpkin, fry them with small fire until 1 minute. Add coix seed and stir well.
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  • Pour in half a bowl of water. Add coconut milk, salt and sugar. When it is boiling, turn to small fire to continue cooking for 20 minutes. If the taro and pumpkin are soft and rotten, you can put it in a dish.
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About the recipes In autumn, the weather is usually dry. It makes people a little uncomfortable, especially the skin, where will be parched. Eating pumpkin is very good for such symptoms.
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