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Pumpkin and Banana Juice
April 22, 2024  |  Autumn Health Drink,Pumpkin,Banana
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Pumpkin is full of nutriments and rich in vitamins A and E. It works on the pituitary gland and ovary, and have the effect of controlling estrogen secretion. At the same time, vitamin E can effectively remove human reactive oxygen, help keep skin healthy, and prevent life habit diseases like hypertension.

300.00g Pumpkin
30.00g Sweet potato
0.50pcs Banana
250.00ml milk
200.00ml Soy milk
2.00tablespoons Pine nuts
20.00g Potato
10.00g Avocado

  • Steam the pumpkin for 15 minutes.
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  • If you don\'t have avocados, you can choose not to use it. I use half of a avocado here. Cut all the ingredients into small pieces and put them into the juicer. Add milk and soy milk( If soy milk is not available, you can add the same amount of milk).
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  • Wait for 1-2 minutes and then it\'s done.
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About the recipes Autumn is a good season for eating pumpkins. Autumn weather is dry, so some people can appear the symptom such as chapped lip in different level, nosebleed and skin dryness. At this point, add foods rich in vitamin A and vitamin E to your diet, such as pumpkin, can enhance the body immunity.
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