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Fall Tonic Stewed Oxtail with Curry
April 24, 2024  |  fall tonic,oxtail,bones and muscles strengthening,beauty
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Oxtail can benefit qi and blood, and strengthen bones and muscles.It benefits kidney and stomach qi. It contains large amounts of vitamins B1, B2, B12, niacin and folic acid. It's nutritious. It is suitable for growing children, adolescents, patients with postoperative asthenia and the elderly.

appropriate amount Salt
200ml Coconut milk
6disc Garlic
appropriate amount Ginger
1000g Oxtail
20g Butter
1box curry
appropriate amount Scallion

  • Defrost oxtail at room temperature, and then soak in cold water for 1 hour to remove blood. If there is a lot of grease, scrape off part of it with a knife. Then drain water with kitchen paper.
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  • Melt butter over medium heat. Then add garlic and stir-fry it until fragrant.
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  • Add the oxtail and fry it.
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  • Fry oxtail until it is golden on both sides.
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  • When frying the oxtail, heat a pot of hot water. Then add the scallions and ginger. You can also skip the scallions and ginger.
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  • Add the Fried oxtail and simmer for 2-3 hours until tender.
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  • There is still some oil left in the frying pan. Saute the potatoes and carrots until lightly browned to prevent them from being mashed during stewing.
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  • When the oxtail is cooked, pour the soup into the vegetables frying pan. Add curry and coconut milk. Heat the water to boil. And simmer over medium heat for 10-15 minutes until vegetables are soft. But do not be too soft.
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  • Finally season with a little salt.
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About the recipes Oxtail is rich in protein and fat. And it can benefit qi and blood, strengthen muscles and bones, improve the weakness and nourish the appearance.
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