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Prevent Dry Skin in Autumn White Fungi and Peach Gum in Lotus Seeds Soup
April 25, 2024  |  Lotus seed,White fungi,Peach gum
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Peach gum is a very good nutrient which is very rich in vitamins, carbohydrates, fat and protein. It has certain function in clearing heat, detoxifying, relieving stress, beautifying, age defying and nourishing intestinal tract. Peach gum with other ingredients together have the effect of reducing fat and nourishing skin. It has a great cosmetic effect on our skin. Our skin needs collagen to be smooth and tender. And peach gum and white fungi are rich in collagen. So eating them can increase the amount of collagen in your skin!

appropriate amount Red dates
half a bowl Lotus seed
half a flower tremella
25g Peach gum
appropriate amount Rock sugar
appropriate amount Wolfberry

  • Prepare the food required as shown in the figure.
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  • Soak the white fungi, peach gum and lotus seeds. Then wash them together with dates.
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  • Put 2.5 L water into the soup pot, which can be adjusted according to the amount of ingredients
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  • Shred the white fungi, pour them into the pot and bring to the boil. Then cover and simmer for about 30 minutes.
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  • After releasing the gum, add lotus seeds and dates. Bring them to a boil over high heat and then simmer for 10 minutes.
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About the recipes Autumn morning and evening temperature difference is big. And it is easy to dry. At this time we also slowly enter the stage of good supplements. We can do nutritional soup for families for preventing autumn skin dry.
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