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Home > Diet > Recipes
Autumn Moisture Sugar Water Snow Pear and Fig Soup
April 27, 2024  |  Snow pear,FIG,Autumn tonic dessert,fruits
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FIG has the effect of detoxification and detumescence, also has very good effect to autumn dry cough. It together with pear can moisten lung dry, relieve cough and reduce sputum. Longan and wolfberry have a calming effect, which can relieve the irritability that autumn brings.

2pcs Red dates
6pcs Longan
1pcs Dried tangerine peel
15g Rock sugar
5g Wolfberry
2pcs Pear
10pcs FIG
6pcs South apricot

  • Get all the materials ready.
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  • Wash all the materials except rock candy, and soak the wolfberry well.
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  • Peel and core the snow pear, and then cut it into small pieces
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  • Pour the remaining ingredients except rock sugar and wolfberry into the health pot. Then fill with 1000 ml water.
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  • Plug in the health pot, turn on the switch, and select the function of \"medicinal diet\" for 40 minutes.
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  • cover the lid. And the health pot cooks automatically.
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  • 35 minutes later, add rock sugar and wolfberry. You can enjoy it after the end of the process.
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About the recipes Dry autumn is especially suitable for drinking more moist sugar water. The ingredients in snow pear and FIG soup all help moistening. After being stewed in the health pot for 40 minutes, the soup is as transparent as amber, but the taste is clear and sweet in the mouth, and moistens your heart.
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