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The best drink in autumn Passion fruit lime honey drink
April 28, 2024  |  The best drink in autumn,Passion fruit,Lime,Honey
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Lemon is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, citric acid, malic acid and so on which are very beneficial to the human body. Lemon can prevent cold, resist scurvy and so on. Citric acid also has the ability to eliminate and prevent skin pigmentation. Passion fruit is also rich in protein, vitamins, fiber and other hundreds of nutrients. Passion fruit which gains its reputation for its pulp emitting dozens of fruit aroma is rich in nutrients. Honey can regulate gastrointestinal function and make gastric acid secretion normal. Animal experiments have confirmed that honey can enhance intestinal peristalsis and significantly shorten the time of defecation. Eating honey can quickly replenish physical strength, eliminate fatigue, enhance resistance to disease.

500ml Water
1pcs Passion fruit
3pcs Lime
appropriate amount Honey

  • Prepare one passion fruit and three slices of lime.
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  • Add passion fruit to clean cup( scoop out with a spoon).
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  • Add the sliced lime.
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  • Pour in a moderate amount of honey( because passion fruit and lime are all sour, so you need more honey. But if you like drinking sour, you can add less honey).
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  • Add cold water or mineral water and stir well. If you have ice, it is better to add some. A delicious all-natural drink with no additives is ready and it tastes sweet and sour.
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About the recipes Autumn is particularly prone to fluid depletion which causes dry mouth and sore throat. Passion fruit and lime are rich in multivitamins, and honey is rich in glucose and fructose. So passion fruit lime honey drink is especially suitable for moisturizing lung, nourishing Yin, and moistening dryness.
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