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Autumn Tonic Pork Ribs Soup with Loofah and Bamboo-Sun
April 30, 2024  |  autumn tonic,loofah,bamboo-sun,pork ribs soup,marine mushroom
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Marine mushroom is rich in Vitamins and has 17 kinds of amino acids. It helps teenagers improve their intelligence, prevent cancer and lower cholesterol; loofah contains vitamin B which can prevent skin aging and vitamin C which can whiten skin, and it can protect the skin, eliminate plaque, make the skin white and fine, so it is a valuable beauty product.

appropriate amount Cooking wine
appropriate amount Salt
10g Ginger
500g Pork ribs
70g Bamboo-sun
150g Loofah
200g hypsizygus marmoreus

  • Wash the pork ribs off the blood and put them into the pot with cold water. Add a tablespoon of cooking wine, 3 slices of ginger and some scallions. Bring them to a boil and cook for another 2 minutes. Remove the pork ribs and rinse off the foam with water. Do not skip this step, only in this way can the soup be clean and clear.
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  • Prepare a pot for soup and add the cleaned pork ribs, three ginger slices and plenty of water. Cover the lid and bring to a boil, and then simmer for 1 hour.
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  • Prepare other ingredients well while stewing the pork ribs. The bamboo-sun is soaked in water and change the water several times in this process. Remove the its mushroom head, cut it into small pieces and set aside. Peel the loofah and cut it into pieces. Tear the large marine mushrooms in half, wash them and set aside.
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  • One hour later, lift the lid, add the loofah, marine mushroom and bamboo-sun, and cook for 20 minutes.
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  • Add some pepper, salt and chicken power. After turning off the fire, you can add appropriate amount of sesame oil to enhance the flavor.
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About the recipes Bamboo-sun is rich in nutrition which has a rich fragrance and delicious taste. So it has been listed as the holy health since ancient times. And it is one of the best autumn tonics which can increases amino acids and vitamins in the body.
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