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Functions of Nourishing Yin and Moistening Dryness are Comparable to Bird's Nest
May 01, 2024  |  autumn tonic,moisten dryness,purple potato,white fungus,dessert
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Purple potato contains rich dietary fiber, starch, vitamins, trace elements( selenium, iron, calcium, potassium, etc), which has the functions of being antioxidant, being antitumor, improving memory, protecting hypertension, repairing myocardium and enhancing body immunity. White fungus is a traditional edible fungus in China, and it has always been a favorite food for most people. It is usually used as the main ingredient in various dishes. Its active ingredient, white fungus polysaccharide, has special health care function.

40g tremella
appropriate amount Rock sugar
300g Purple potato

  • Prepare all the materials well such as white fungus, purple potato and rock sugar.
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  • Soak the white fungus for about one hour.
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  • Steam purple potato well, and then peel and cut it into cubes.
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  • Put the white fungus, purple potato and rock sugar into the pot, simmer for half an hour and then you can enjoy it.
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About the recipes After the start of autumn, it gradually starts to cool down, with a big temperature difference between day and night. The air begins to dry, and your throat and lungs need to be care in advance. Eating a little white fungus every day is just good. Purple potatoes with the white fungus can not only be dessert but also be dinner, and people who want to lose weigh can try it.
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