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Cooling drink in autumn honey pomelo tea
May 04, 2024  |  cooling in autumn,honey,pomelo,pomelo tea,drink
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I guess that many people eat a lot of meat and fish in autumn, so today we are going to have a bland diet of colon cleansing tea. A cup of light and tasty honey pomelo tea can help people remove greasy. It is easy to make and has the functions of clearing heat and nourishing the appearance.

250g sugar
20ml Honey
500g Pomelo

  • Prepare all the materials well.
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  • After washing the pomelo peel, peel off the yellow surface with a knife, cut into strips, and soak in warm water for 5 minutes.
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  • Peel pomelo and tear into small pieces. Set aside.
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  • Place the pomelo peel and pomelo meat together in a microwave dish. Add sugar and water and stir well. Leave for 15 minutes.
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  • Put the plate in the microwave oven and heat it over high heat for 5 minutes, then continue to heat it over medium heat for 20 minutes. Take it out. After the pomelo tea cooling down, add some honey, and then you can enjoy it.
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About the recipes I guess that many people eat a lot of meat and fish in autumn, so today we are going to have a bland diet of colon cleansing tea. A cup of light and tasty honey pomelo tea can help people remove greasy. It is easy to make and has the functions of clearing heat and nourishing the appearance.
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