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Archives What vegetables do pregnant women eat to supplement calcium? What vegetables do pregnant women eat to supplement calcium? Calcium supplements,vegetables,what,pregnant women October 12, 2019

After pregnancy, it is very difficult for a pregnant mother to maintain two portions of calcium output, so it is particularly important to supplement calcium during pregnancy. When it comes to calcium supplementation during pregnancy, the first thing we think about is calcium tablets. Calcium tablets can really supplement calcium more conveniently and quickly. What vegetables do we usually eat to help pregnant women with calcium supplementation? Let's get to know it.

1, spinach

Spinach is rich in nutrition, especially its very high calcium content. A small bowl of spinach can supplement 25% of the daily calcium required by human beings. In addition, spinach also contains a lot of folic acid, iron, cellulose, vitamin A and other substances to promote fetal development and ensure the health of expectant mothers.

2. Cabbage

Unlike the above vegetables, its oxalic acid content is very low, and it also contains vitamin K, which helps to absorb calcium and vitamin D, so it can help the human body absorb calcium very efficiently. The calcium content in cabbage can reach 60% of milk under the same weight. Compared with milk, the ratio of calcium and phosphorus in cabbage is more suitable for human absorption, which is conducive to fetal bone development.

3, Gai Lan

Chinese kale is the first food to be mentioned in the "Calcium Supplementers Beyond Milk" concluded by the Daily Health Network of the United States. First of all, the calcium content of Chinese kale is 128 mg per 100 g, while that of milk is about 100 mg under the same weight.

4. Brassica napus

If 128 mg of calcium per 100 g of Chinese kale has already surprised you, it's even more shocking. The calcium content in every 100 g of rapeseed is 153 mg, which is much higher than that in milk. Ordinary adults only need to eat 500 g rapeseed a day to fully meet the daily physiological needs of calcium and iron.

5, onion

Onions are rich in mineral elements, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and so on. Frequent eating of onions can prevent calcium loss in bones and prevent osteoporosis, which is very helpful for mothers.

Generally speaking, pregnant women in the early stage of pregnancy, the fetus is very small, at this time it is not necessary to supplement calcium, because pregnant women's demand for calcium is the same as normal people, basic dietary intake can ensure adequate calcium. But in the later stage, we need to eat some calcium supplements to meet the physical needs of the fetus and pregnant women.

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