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Avoid Food taboos on eating preserved eggs with nothing Leather eggs,food,taboos,together,no,what October 12, 2019

Peeled eggs are the food we often eat. People often add them to green peppers. They taste delicious and have a good meal. But do you know that preserved eggs can't be drunk with anything? Let's learn about the taboos of preserved eggs today.

1. The preserved eggs should not be eaten directly with vinegar. Because preserved eggs belong to alkaline food, they will form precipitation with calcium in vinegar, which is not easy to digest, and may lead to poisoning in serious cases.

2. Peeled eggs should not be eaten with eels. Although the protein content of preserved eggs is very rich, and eel is a nutritious and delicious food, but because preserved eggs belong to alkaline food, eating together with eel can lead to diarrhea and food poisoning.

3. The preserved eggs should not be eaten with brown sugar. The preserved eggs belong to alkaline food, the brown sugar belongs to acidic food, the preserved eggs and brown sugar eat together, the acid will fuse alkalinity, resulting in acid-base imbalance. Therefore, the combination of brown sugar and preserved eggs can lead to stomach diseases and mild food poisoning. Similarly, preserved eggs can not be eaten with sugar and ice sugar.

4. Leather eggs should not be eaten with turtles and plums. Plums, turtles and preserved eggs are Xiangke food, while eating can cause food poisoning, vomiting and other symptoms.

The above is about the food taboo of preserved eggs, hoping to help you. When we eat preserved eggs in our daily life, we must pay attention to the matching of food ingredients. In addition, preserved eggs should not be eaten more. Eating more may cause lead poisoning, but also affect the absorption of calcium.

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