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Archives What are the causes of oral cancer? Routine treatment of oral cancer Oral,Cancer,Treatment,Routine,Which,Causes October 12, 2019

What are the etiology of oral cancer? The etiology of oral cancer is still unclear. Analysis of its external factors may include physical factors, chemical factors, biological factors, nutritional factors; internal factors may include patients'mental factors, endocrine factors, immune status, genetic factors; specific factors may be related to the following factors.

Etiology of oral cancer

Long-term addiction to tobacco and alcohol:Most patients with oral cancer have a long history of smoking and drinking, and have the habit of chewing betel nut.

(2) Bad oral hygiene habits:It creates conditions for bacteria and fungi to breed and reproduce in oral cavity, promotes the formation of nitrosamines and their precursors, makes them more sensitive to carcinogens, and may promote the occurrence of oral cancer.

(3) Long-term foreign body stimulation:The residual crowns, roots, sharp cusps and bad prostheses of the residual teeth stimulate the oral mucosa for a long time, resulting in chronic ulcers and even canceration.

Ultraviolet and ionizing radiation, long-term outdoor workSolar exposure may cause lip and skin cancers.

(5) Malnutrition:The deficiency of vitamin A and the insufficient intake of trace elements, etc.

Prevention and vigilance of oral precancerous lesions:Oral mucosal leukoplakia, papilloma, lupus erythematosus, lichen planus and erythema are often precancerous lesions. It is suggested that the nature of lesions should be confirmed by medical examination and further treatment.

Routine treatment of oral cancer

Surgical resection and radiotherapy (radiotherapy) are still the two most effective methods for the treatment of oral cancer, and their combined application is often better than that of single application. Chemotherapy (chemotherapy) is still an adjuvant therapy, which is used before operation or in combination with radiotherapy.

The choice of surgical radiotherapy depends not only on the condition of the patient, but also on the clinical experience and technology of the doctor and the condition and equipment of the hospital. The patient's condition should be estimated objectively and the treatment plan should be determined by multidisciplinary consultation. The success or failure of oral cancer treatment largely depends on whether the first treatment is correct or not.

Surgical treatment may be performed if the following conditions are met:

There was no distant metastasis, and the primary and cervical metastases could be resected within the safe boundary.

(2) Lesions belong to those with poor radiotherapy effect;

the damage of oral function caused by surgical resection is not large, or although it is large, it can be compensated to a certain extent by reconstruction or prosthesis, and the consent of the patient can be obtained.

Usually, patients with oral cancer rarely have distant metastasis at their first visit. If distant metastasis is suspected, especially when the primary cancer is small, the second primary cancer should be excluded first. Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the oral cavity can metastasize to distant sites earlier, but it has a long course and can be resected.

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