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Avoid What can't you eat when you get gallbladder polyp? Dietary principles of gallbladder polyps Gallbladder Polyp,Diet,Principles,What,Can Eat,Got October 12, 2019

Gallbladder polyp can not eat what? Gallbladder polyp is caused by chronic inflammation, found in addition to early surgery, in the usual diet should also pay attention to regular diet, do not eat greasy high cholesterol food. Next let's look at what can't be eaten by gallbladder polyps and what dietary principles are there.

What can't you eat when you get gallbladder polyp?

1. Avoid alcohol Alcohol decomposes and detoxifies mainly through the liver. Therefore, alcohol can directly damage the liver function, cause liver and gallbladder dysfunction, disorder the process of bile secretion and excretion, thus stimulating the gallbladder to form new polyps, or make the original polyps grow and enlarge, and increase the canceration coefficient of gallbladder polyps.

2. Eat less foods with high fat and cholesterolSuch as egg yolk, roe, animal liver, brain, intestine, etc. The cholesterol in the bile is increased and cholesterol stones are easily formed. Vegetable oil can not only reduce cholesterol, but also promote the conversion of cholesterol into bile acid to prevent gallstone formation, so vegetable oil should be the main choice. Fried, fried food is best not to eat, in order to avoid gallbladder colic. Cook as light and as little oil as possible, avoid frying and frying.

3. Reduce high cellulose contentLess residue diet, reduce gastrointestinal irritation.

Dietary principles of gallbladder polyps

1. Attention should be paid to ensuring the supply of vitamins B vitamins such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, nicotinic acid and vitamin C play an important role in improving symptoms. In addition to choosing foods rich in these vitamins, multivitamin preparations can also be taken orally.

2. Pay attention to cooking methods.Enhance food color, aroma, taste and shape to promote appetite. Avoid fried, fried and other strong irritating foods, limit broth, chicken soup and other foods with high nitrogen extracts, in order to reduce the burden of the liver.

3. Attention should be paid to ensuring adequate heat supplyGenerally, 8400-10500 kilojoules per day (2000-2500 kilocalories) is suitable. The high calorie therapy of hepatitis advocated in the past is not advisable, because although high calorie can improve clinical symptoms, it can eventually lead to fatty liver, but will worsen the condition, so the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

4. CarbohydratesGenerally, it can account for 60-70% of the total heat energy. The high sugar diet used in the past should also be corrected, because the high sugar diet, especially excessive glucose, fructose and sucrose, can affect the appetite of patients, aggravate gastrointestinal flatulence, increase fat storage in the body, and easily lead to obesity and fatty liver. Carbohydrates should be supplied mainly through staple foods.

In a word, after the experts have talked about some knowledge about the daily diet of patients with gallbladder polyps, we should pay attention to the balance of nutrition of patients in daily life, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and do not eat something high in fat, and keep the diet as light as possible.

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