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Avoid What are the taboos of heart failure diet Heart failure,diet,precautions,taboos,what October 12, 2019

Heart failure refers to a series of symptoms and signs of systemic blood circulation disorder due to weakened myocardial contraction, reduced cardiac output, blocked venous return and insufficient blood supply to the arterial system. So what are the common symptoms of heart failure? What are the daily dietary considerations? Let's look at the dietary taboos of heart failure.

Common manifestations of heart failure

Early heart failure often occurs in one side of the heart, which is divided into left heart failure and right heart failure and heart failure in the later stage.

Left heart failure:The main clinical manifestations are fatigue, weakness of breath and difficulty of breathing. It is often necessary to pad high pillows during night sleep. Otherwise, you will feel suffocated or even wake up suddenly when you are asleep.

Right heart failure:The most common symptoms were right upper abdominal fullness, constipation, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, increased or decreased nocturia, and edema of both lower limbs. The clinical symptoms of heart failure are left and right heart failure.

Common Dietary Taboos in Heart Failure

1. Limit salt intake

Prevention and relief of edema. A low-salt diet means eating less than 2 grams of salt a day, and the salt content of staple and sideline foods throughout the day should be less than 1400 mg. No salt or soy sauce is added to the salt-free diet. The salt content in the whole-day staple food is less than 600 mg. Low-sodium diet contains less than 500 mg of sodium in all-God's by-products, except that salt and soy sauce are not added when cooking. When taking a large amount of diuretics, the intake of salt can be increased appropriately.

2. Small amount of meals, not too full

We should eat 5 to 6 meals a day in a small amount to avoid overfilling of the stomach and intestines, increasing the burden of the heart, inducing arrhythmia or angina pectoris and other adverse consequences.

3. Fasting on Sodium-rich Foods

Such as steamed bread, bread and biscuits made of soda, baking powder and alkali. Pork floss, sausage, salted fish, salted vegetables, ham, Sufu and other pickled products.

4. Avoid all kinds of sodium-containing beverages and condiments

Such as soda, monosodium glutamate, ketchup, beer, etc. Noodles, seafood, butter, pork kidney, cheese, pine eggs, dried beans, etc. Candy, chocolate, raisins, nuts, etc.

5. Fasting on food with high irritation and gas production

Such as strong tea, wine, garlic, onion, fish soup juice, etc., in order to avoid stimulating the heart, induce heart failure.

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