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Archives White boiled water is the most healthy? Master these five drinking time, the most practical way to keep in good health Supplementary water,boiled water,health care,medicines,cells October 13, 2019

Water is the source of life. If human beings leave water, just like fish leaves water, in a large sense, thirsty, only water can help us solve the most direct problems. In a small sense, water directly participates in the redox reaction in the human body. Without water, cells can not carry out normal activities, and blood circulation, breathing, digestion, absorption, endocrine. Excretion, of course, can not go on. Therefore, water is very important for health, but not all water is suitable for direct drinking. Since the creation of human civilization, people have found that boiling water is actually good for health. It reaches a certain boiling point, killing the bacteria in the water and maintaining the minerals necessary in the water.

First, a glass of boiled water in the morning, we all know that many lipid-lowering drugs should be taken in the evening, because at night in a deep sleep state, the blood flow is slow, so a glass of boiled water in the morning is very helpful for diluting blood.

Second, don't wait for obvious thirst to drink water at work. Because of the intensity and tension of work, the body often dehydrates invisibly. Many people like to drink coffee and tea to refresh themselves at work. In fact, the best way is to drink boiled water. If you are engaged in high-intensity outdoor work, it is more important to replenish water.

Third, in the air-conditioned room should pay attention to supplement water, whether you blow air-conditioning or heating, should pay special attention.

Fourth, from half an hour to one hour after meals, we should pay attention to water supplementation, because water can promote digestion and absorption.

Fifth, water should be supplemented properly from half an hour to one hour before bedtime, but don't drink too much. When people fall asleep, they need less water. If you drink too much water before bedtime, it's easy to keep you up and go to the toilet at night.

Don't wait until you are thirsty to pick up a glass to drink, because when you are obviously thirsty, it means that your body is already short of water.

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