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Avoid What taboo does keratitis diet have? Dietary Taboos for Patients with Keratitis keratitis October 13, 2019

Relevant ophthalmologists say that keratitis is a common eye disease in ophthalmology. Keratitis is an inflammatory reaction caused by bacterial or viral invasion of the cornea. Common clinical manifestations are eye pain, swelling, and decreased visual acuity. After suffering from keratitis, besides active treatment, the patient's diet should be adjusted. So, what are the dietary taboos for keratitis patients? Let's get to know them.

Keratitis diet should be avoided

Keratitis is inflammation of the cornea caused by corneal trauma infection or allergy. The main clinical manifestations are photophobia, tears, pain, visual impairment and even blindness.

Keratitis should not eat spicy foodSuch as onion, garlic, ginger, pepper, pepper, pepper, mustard, cinnamon, schizonepeta, coriander, etc., should not smoke and drink. Because these foods are hot and dry, burn Yin, heat attack, aggravate corneal inflammation.

Food that keratitis cannot eat:Keratitis patients should not eat fishy hair, such as chicken, goose, fish, shrimp, crab, turtle, mutton, horse, donkey, venison, pork head, sow meat, etc. Because these foods are easy to make old disease recurrence, prolonged healing, or aggravate the original condition.

Keratitis patients should eat high protein dietSuch as lean pork, liver, eggs, bean products, etc. We should also eat foods rich in vitamin A, C and calcium, such as pork liver, egg yolk, carrot, pumpkin, mountain, walnut kernels, pine nuts, lotus seeds, longan meat, cornel meat, medlar, apricot, jujube, orange, grapefruit, tomato, green vegetables and so on.

Reminder:Keratitis patients should pay attention to developing healthy living habits. Attention should be paid to full rest, so that the eyes contact with fresh air, listen to relaxed music, avoid staying up late, drinking, cold, fever, sunshine. In addition, once you feel uncomfortable, swollen and painful eyes, you should go to the hospital for examination and timely diagnosis.

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