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Women When should I take the pill? Don't make a mistake about the time. But no,wrong,time,should,when,contraceptive pill October 13, 2019

Some girls are afraid of accidental pregnancy, so they usually have the habit of taking contraceptives. Do you know when the pill will work? Let's have a look.

When to take the contraceptive

1. Short-acting contraceptives

The main components are progesterone and estrogen. It can inhibit ovulation, hinder the normal growth of endometrium, change the nature of cervical mucus and change the normal peristalsis of fallopian tube. It is suitable for women without basic diseases or diabetes mellitus. Take one pill every night for 22 consecutive days, one month of contraception.

2. Emergency contraceptives

The main ingredient is progesterone. The principle of drug action is basically the same as that of short-acting contraceptives. It is suitable for women under 40 years old. There are Yuting, Nordshung, Baoshiting and Mifepristone tablets. Usually the first pill is taken within 72 hours after the event, and then one pill after 12 hours. The earlier the pill is taken, the better the effect is.

3. Long-acting contraceptives

Usually after menstruation, take one tablet on the fifth day and another after 20 days. It contains synthetic progesterone and long-acting estrogen. After entering the human body, the drug will be stored in adipose tissue, then released slowly, inhibit ovulation, and play a long-term contraceptive role. It is suitable for women who can not place IUD and are unwilling to use other contraceptive methods.

Cautions for taking contraceptives

1. Women with hypertension should not be used. A small number of women will increase their blood pressure after medication.

2. Those with family history of diabetes and diabetes should not be used. Since the use of contraceptives may cause a slight increase in blood sugar and make recessive diabetes dominant, it will have a negative impact on women with diabetes.

3. Women with hyperthyroidism should not use contraceptives before they are cured.

4. Patients with breast benign tumors, uterine leiomyomas and various malignant tumors should not be used in order to avoid adverse effects on tumors.

5. Those who suffered from vascular embolism diseases (such as cerebral thrombosis, myocardial infarction, vasculitis, etc.) in the past or now can not be used. Estrogen in contraceptives may increase blood coagulation and aggravate cardiovascular disease.

6. Taking contraceptives is also taboo. If women with chronic headache, especially migraine and vascular headache, it is better not to use contraceptives, because if they take contraceptives, they will only aggravate symptoms.

7. If a female friend has had too little menstruation in the past, the contraceptive pill is better not used. Long-term use of contraceptives can make the endometrium atrophy, which will further reduce the amount of menstruation.

8. Lactating women should not use it. Contraceptives can reduce the secretion of milk, and reduce the quality of milk, but also into the milk, have a negative impact on breast-feeding, so lactating women should not be used.

9. Women with acute or chronic hepatitis and nephritis should not take it. Because the contraceptives entering the body are metabolized in the liver and excreted through the kidney, if used by women with acute and chronic hepatitis and nephritis, it will increase the burden of the liver and kidney.

10. What you should also know is that if you have heart disease or heart dysfunction, you should also avoid taking contraceptives. This is because estrogen in contraceptives can make water, sodium and other substances stay in the body, which will increase the burden on the heart.

11. Women who have the habit of smoking and drinking should not take contraceptives. Otherwise, they are likely to increase the risk of heart attack and cerebrovascular accident, which will also affect the effect of contraceptives and lead to the failure of contraception. More than 35 women, the situation is particularly serious.

12. Broad-spectrum antibiotics such as penicillins, tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, erythromycin and compound neotamine can change intestinal flora, thus reducing intestinal and hepatic circulation and absorption of contraceptives, which can lead to contraceptive failure. Therefore, women receiving the above broad-spectrum antimicrobial drugs can switch to other contraceptive measures.

13. The use of contraceptives should be discontinued as early as possible before pregnancy preparation. Infants born by misuse of oral contraceptives during early pregnancy may have congenital malformations, which may lead to male and organic malformations of female infants.

14. Butamethasone, mirtasone, phenobarbital sodium, rifampicin, phenytoin sodium, preeclampsia, carbamazepine, ethamberamide, amidomidine, hydrocortisone injection, these drugs are enzymatic inducers, which can accelerate the metabolism of contraceptives and reduce the contraceptive effect, and even lead to contraceptive failure. Therefore, women receiving the above treatment should not take contraceptives. Epilepsy patients should increase the amount of contraceptives to maintain the contraceptive effect.

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