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Archives Every day we have to go through five hurdles, many people have not stepped over! No stride,in the past,many people,every day,experience,five hurdles,want to October 13, 2019

Many international studies have found that winter (usually November to March) is the peak season for heart attack, and the risk of heart attack rises by 7% for every 10 degrees Celsius drop in temperature.

This is because, on the one hand, cold air can make subcutaneous tissue vasoconstriction, increase blood pressure, aggravate the burden of the heart, and induce myocardial ischemia; on the other hand, it can stimulate the sudden contraction of the coronary artery, resulting in blocked blood flow and myocardial infarction.

Therefore, when you go out, you should do a good job of keeping warm, focusing on protecting your head, hands and feet. Even when you return to a warm room, you can't rush to take off your clothes and caps to minimize the fluctuation of blood pressure.

In autumn and winter, these five barriers are the most dangerous in a day, and we should pay special attention to avoiding contact with these minefields.

1. Early morning blood pressure is the most unstable.

The National Center for Cardiovascular Research in Spain analyzed data from more than 800 patients with heart attacks and found that between 6 a.m. and 12 p.m., the number of patients was the largest and the condition was more serious.

This is because the morning is the time of day when blood pressure fluctuates the most. High and volatile blood pressure is more likely to cause vascular plaque rupture, myocardial infarction in the heart, and stroke in the brain (cerebral infarction or cerebral hemorrhage).

In addition, the whole night did not drink water, blood is thicker, prone to embolism.


People with a history of hypertension are advised to take medicine according to the doctor's order regularly and not to miss taking antihypertensive drugs before going to bed.

In the absence of kidney disease, 100-200 ml warm boiled water should be supplemented to dilute blood before going to bed, after waking up and after waking up in the morning.

It's better to move gently and slowly after getting up in the morning. Don't jump up or get too excited.

2. It is impossible to exert oneself.

Many people have the habit of defecating in the morning. When defecating hard, they need to hold their breath, which can easily lead to a sudden rise in blood pressure, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and serious arrhythmia, which may lead to sudden death.


Constipation should not be too hard, should try to wake up in the morning and try to drink water quickly, so as to quickly replenish fluid, promote the excretion of stool.

If senile constipation is serious, you can use Kaiseru and other defecation AIDS as appropriate.

3. Vigorous exercise is risky

Vigorous sports will force the heart to open its horsepower, and beat several times more blood to the whole body when contracting each time. Therefore, it is easy to cause sudden elevation of blood pressure, rapid heart rate, myocardial hypoxia, and even lead to heart attack.


People with bad hearts or older people are better off not doing strenuous exercise.

Quick walking, jogging and other mild aerobic exercise can not only exercise, but also protect the heart, is the best choice. Exercise time should not be too long, about half an hour is appropriate.

In addition, we should pay attention to the control of heart rate during exercise.

If you are under 40, your heart rate should not exceed "180-age" during exercise (for example, if you are 30 years old, your heart rate should be controlled below 150/min).

If you are over 40, keep your heart rate below 170-year-old during exercise.

If chest tightness, shortness of breath and other discomforts occur during exercise, you should immediately sit down and rest.

4. Not only does overeating hurt the stomach

When overeating, a large amount of blood is transferred to the gastrointestinal tract in order to digest food. The blood supply to the heart decreases relatively, which aggravates myocardial ischemia and increases the burden on the heart.

If you eat too greasy and eat too much fat, it may also lead to increased blood viscosity, promote thrombosis and trigger myocardial infarction.


Control your diet and keep your mouth shut.

5. Needless to be nervous

When the work pressure is high and the mood is tense, many people will blush, heart rate acceleration, blood pressure rise and other phenomena; if the heart function is not good, people may suffer from chest distress, sudden heart disease and other problems.

So nervousness is not just about losing your hair. It may hurt the lives of people with heart disease.


We should learn to release pressure. When we are nervous, we should stand naturally, close our eyes and breathe deeply. It helps to relax our body and mind.

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