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Avoid Pomegranate Peel Target Pomegranate Peel Targets Take,skin,pomegranate,contraindications,precautions October 14, 2019

Pomegranate peel has high medicinal value. Boiling water with pomegranate can astringe diarrhea, resist bacteria and virus, alleviate abdominal pain, alleviate dermatitis and eczema. But when taking pomegranate peel, there are many taboos that need to be noticed. Otherwise, it may cause adverse effects on the body because of improper consumption. Then let's see what taboos pomegranate peel?

1. Pomegranate peel should not be taken by people with poor intestines and stomach

Pomegranate peel contains a lot of minced substance, which can stimulate gastrointestinal mucosa. Pomegranate peel is not suitable for people with poor intestine and stomach.

2. Pomegranate peel should not be eaten because of bad heart

Total alkaloids of pomegranate peel can temporarily excite the heart, slow down the heart beat and have a nicotine-like effect on autonomic nerve. It can cause slow pulse and increase blood pressure. Large doses of total alkaloids of pomegranate peel can significantly accelerate the pulse and have a veratrine feint effect on skeletal muscle.

3. Diarrhea caused by acute dysentery and acute gastroenteritis should not be taken

Diarrhea caused by acute dysentery and acute gastroenteritis should not be treated with pomegranate peel for astringency and antidiarrhea.

4. Not to eat with seafood

Pomegranate peel is not suitable for seafood and other foods. This is because pomegranate peel contains more tannic acid, which reacts with calcium and protein to produce a substance that is not easy to digest. In this way, the body will suffer from indigestion, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

5. Pomegranate peel should not be taken for constipation

Pomegranate peel is not suitable for patients with constipation. This herbal medicine has a certain convergence effect, if the constipation patients take pomegranate peel constipation symptoms will be more serious.

6. Diabetes should not take pomegranate peel

Diabetic patients are not suitable to take pomegranate peel, not only the sugar content of pomegranate meat is relatively high, but also the same in pomegranate peel. If diabetic patients take pomegranate peel, it will lead to more serious illness.

7. Pomegranate peel should not be taken in large quantities for a long time.

Pomegranate peel can not be taken in large quantities for a long time, otherwise it will have serious side effects on the body. Excessive use of pomegranate peel will also cause pupil dilation, severe headache, exhaustion, convulsion, respiratory paralysis and death.

Above is the taboo when taking pomegranate peel, we must pay attention to, although the efficacy of pomegranate peel can not be denied, but the existence of food taboos can not be ignored, only pay attention to the correct and appropriate way to take pomegranate peel, in order to ensure health, if touching taboos, it will cause very adverse health damage.

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