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Women Eight Kinds of Food Suitable for Girls'Menstrual Period What to eat during menstruation October 15, 2019

1. Legumes

Consumption of high-fiber soybeans and peas can help reduce uterine congestion and thus reduce the suffering of dysmenorrhea. Because legumes can be digested by jatrone, the water content in feces and feces increases. Once excreted, excess fluids are removed from the body so that digestion is normal and constipation and diarrhea are reduced. Legumes are also rich in vitamin B. Vitamin B can effectively relieve dysmenorrhea and menstrual fatigue. Although more beans will fart, the embarrassment of farting can be avoided as long as you eat less and more meals, eat slowly, gradually increase the amount of food, or take some digestive enzymes after eating.

2. Green vegetables

Calcium, magnesium and potassium in green vegetables can alleviate and prevent dysmenorrhea. These minerals can also relax and reduce irritability. Dark green vegetables are also rich in vitamin K. Vitamin K is one of the essential substances for coagulation and prevention of excessive bleeding.

3. Omega-3 fatty acids

There is a substance in the human body called prostatic myoglobin, which is similar to hormone substances and participates in the mechanism of muscle contraction and dysmenorrhea symptoms. One of the most effective ways to prevent prostaglandins from secreting is to eat salmon, walnuts and flaxseed. Because these foods contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids. A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 1995 showed that women who preferred omega-3 fatty acids in their diet had fewer menstrual discomfort symptoms than other women who did not regularly consume them.

4. pineapple

A report from the Human Nutrition Research Center of the U.S. Department of Agriculture found that young women with insufficient manganese intake had 50% more menstruation than those with normal intake. The researchers suggest that women need to increase their manganese intake in order to alleviate menstrual discomfort. Fruits have high manganese content, of which pineapple is the most abundant. Pineapple also contains high levels of pineapple enzyme. This enzyme helps to relax muscles and prevent menstrual colic.

5. Ginger tea and chamomile tea

Tea is another source of manganese. According to researchers at the Human Nutrition Research Center of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, women should try to avoid caffeinated tea. Caffeine can lead to increased menstrual discomfort. However, ginger tea can help alleviate nausea and abdominal distension. Chamomile tea can also eliminate muscle spasm and relieve tension, thus reducing the anxiety of women during menstruation.

6. water

* excessive fluid retention is the main cause of uterine congestion and dysmenorrhea. * increasing water intake is one of the best ways to effectively reduce water retention. * this seems a bit contradictory. Since we need to reduce fluid retention in the body, why should we increase the amount of water? In fact, if we don't have enough drinking water, our bodies may overreserve excess water. Drinking water is more conducive to the discharge of excess water.

7. Grain and Miscellaneous Grains

A British doctor's study found that 70% of women said eating a small amount of carbohydrates every three hours during menstruation and lying in bed within an hour could effectively alleviate symptoms of menstrual discomfort. Researchers say cereals are rich in magnesium. Magnesium can reduce nerve and muscle tension and relieve dysmenorrhea symptoms. In addition, cereals and cereals are also rich in vitamin B and E, which can help eliminate fatigue and depression.

8. yogurt

Yogurt contains active lactobacillus, which is also a good source of calcium. Experts said that women usually need 600 mg of yogurt. If it reaches 1,300 mg during menstrual deficiency, it may help to relieve menstrual discomfort. However, because meat and dairy products contain arachidonic acid, which helps the production of prostaglandins, prostaglandins are one of the causes of dysmenorrhea. Women are better off choosing other calcium supplements, such as broccoli, cabbage, canned salmon, and calcium fortified foods such as grains and juices.

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