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Avoid Some taboos on breast-feeding for new mothers. Look at them? Early knowledge and early prevention Temper tantrums,breast milk,lactation,breastfeeding,breastfeeding October 10, 2019

Breastfeeding seems like a natural thing, but it contains a lot of scientific knowledge, novice mothers must pay attention to it.

1. Breast-feeding does not drink, not breast-feeding after drinking; if the mother has the habit of drinking after childbirth, or returns to work after childbirth, she must stop breast-feeding when she has to drink. Alcohol will enter the breast milk and affect the health of the baby, its own baby's liver and kidney development is not complete, unable to metabolize alcohol normally. Some babies with tricky mouths will detect abnormal milk and refuse to breast milk; it takes at least half a day to breast-feed after drinking.

2. No breast-feeding just after losing temper; facts have proved that when losing temper, a large amount of adrenaline will be produced in the body. Too much of this hormone will directly affect the quality of breast milk. There are harmful substances, affecting the health of the baby, so that all aspects of the development of the baby will be affected. After losing temper, at least half a day should be spent in breast-feeding, so that the body restores calm.

3. Not reluctantly breast-feeding, the baby is willing to take the lead; according to the usual time to breast-feed the baby, the baby does not eat, do not force the baby to drink, the baby may not be hungry, or physical discomfort, do not want to drink, or bad mood will affect the baby's demand for breast milk, forced breast-feeding, easy to let the baby produce adverse psychology.

4. Lactation period is not anxious to lose weight, breast milk quality assurance; some mothers are anxious to lose weight as soon as they are out of the moon, which is very unscientific. We should know that the quality of breast milk directly affects the development of babies in the first few months, such as diet, will make the nutrition of breast milk plummet. In order to supplement the nutrition of milk, the mother will mobilize the fat stored in the body. This physiological process will lead to harmful substances entering the milk, which will affect the health of the baby.

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