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Avoid Is it feasible to keep fit through fitness? Never exercise too much! No,tens of millions,exercise,overdose,okay,fitness,pass,keep fit,want to October 10, 2019

Fitness is a good way to exercise and improve your body immunity. However, excessive fitness can lead to physical overload, and even affect the normal life and rest. What happens is excessive exercise?


1. Feeling fatigue

Physical fatigue after exercise is normal, but if fatigue lasts for 2 to 3 days or longer, it may be the result of excessive exercise. At this time, it is necessary to temporarily stop exercising, so that the body can be fully restored.

2. Muscle pain

Accumulation of lactic acid after exercise is a normal phenomenon, but if the pain lasts for 3-4 or longer, the intensity of exercise will be reduced. Serious words should immediately stop exercising, while doing massage, physiotherapy and so on.

3. Loss of appetite

Because of excessive exercise, excessive stimulation of the body, inhibit their appetite, at this time we should pay attention to the nutrition and diet.


4. Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting after exercise, if not caused by diet, are mostly due to excessive physical exercise and hypoxia. Exercisers should start with a small amount of exercise, step by step.

5. Dizziness and headache

This happens after strenuous exercise, which is mainly related to changes in blood pressure and low oxygen content in the blood.

6, thirsty.

It is normal for thirst to occur after a large amount of exercise, but we should pay attention to the timely replenishment of water before, during and after exercise.

7. Feeling Mental Stress

The original intention of fitness and sports is to relieve pressure and make body and mind happy. If you feel unable to relax after exercise, you will feel tired both physically and mentally. Self-regulation should be made in time to reduce the amount of exercise.

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