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Avoid What dietary taboos do peptic ulcers have? Patients can't eat these six kinds of food. Eat,six categories,food,patients,ulcers,what,diet,taboos,digestibility October 10, 2019

Peptic ulcer refers to the chronic ulcer of stomach and duodenum. The stomach and duodenum are the basic places for food digestion and absorption, so diet is an important link for disease occurrence and rehabilitation. So what dietary taboos do peptic ulcer patients have? In terms of daily diet, what foods can peptic ulcer patients not eat?

Six kinds of food that peptic ulcer cannot eat

1. Avoid food that is too cold or too hot

Supercooled diet, will reduce blood circulation, cause indigestion, and stimulate gastrointestinal nerve endings, reflex increase gastrointestinal peristalsis, stimulate gastric acid secretion, damage the ulcer part. Overheated diet can dilate gastrointestinal blood vessels and aggravate bleeding. The temperature should be 45 degrees Celsius.

2. Avoid crude fibre and hard food

Coarse fibers and rigid diet will cause mechanical abrasion of gastric mucosa and ulcer surface, which will lead to bleeding and perforation of ulcer surface and aggravate the condition. Common crude fiber foods are celery, leek, coarse grains, etc. Excellent foods are: fried rice, bacon, roast meat, ham, dried meat, dry goods and so on.

3. Avoid irritating foods

Common are strong tea, coffee, gravy, pepper, pepper, mustard, curry and so on. These stimulating foods can stimulate gastric acid secretion, increase gastrointestinal mucosal damage, destroy the barrier function of gastric mucosa, and cause pain.

4. Avoid Gas-producing and Acid-producing Foods

Gas-producing foods are: dried fruits, dried beans, onions, garlic seedlings, raw onions, raw garlic, raw radish, sweetened snacks, etc.

Acidogenic foods include potatoes, sweet potatoes, cold powder, sweet and sour foods, etc. These can stimulate the gastric mucosa, increase the secretion of gastric acid, easily produce flatulence, acid reflux, belching, increase discomfort and so on.

5. Avoid fried food

Fried food with sharp edges and corners should be cut through blood vessels, and this kind of food is difficult to digest and aggravates the burden of gastrointestinal tract.

6. Avoid tobacco, alcohol and carbonated drinks

These are the trigger factors of gastric diseases. Alcohol can stimulate gastric mucosal blood vessels, make them spastic ischemia, destroy gastric mucosa, promote gastric acid secretion, increase gastrointestinal peristalsis, leading to ulcer recurrence and perforation and bleeding. Sodium bicarbonate in soda water can produce a large amount of carbon dioxide gas, increase gastrointestinal pressure, resulting in hiccups, gastroduodenal bulb perforation.

As the saying goes, "three-point treatment and seven-point nursing" in the treatment of ulcers, in addition to drug treatment, dietary treatment is essential. Ulcer disease is easy to relapse. Eating digestible food in daily life is the main way to avoid irritating food, eating eight-point satiety, dietary rules, in order to promote healing and reduce recurrence.

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