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Men Impotence premature ejaculation what good medicine to eat conditioning prescription Conditioning,medicine,no need,premature ejaculation,what,impotence October 12, 2019


Honey contains a kind of plant hormone similar to human pituitary hormone, which has the function of activity / gland, and the sugar in honey is very beneficial to the formation of semen.


Pork vegetable is also known as pearl vegetable and shell vegetable. It contains rich egg white matter, iodine, B vitamins, zinc, iron, calcium, phosphorus and so on. Its taste is salty, sexual/warm, has the effect of warming kidney and strengthening essence, replenishing qi and tonifying deficiency. It is suitable for male sexual/functional disorder, spermatorrhea, impotence/flaccidity, overwork, thirst and other diseases.

Malt oil:

Malt oil is rich in vitamins B and E. Lack of vitamin E can lead to penile degeneration and atrophy, and decrease of sex/hormone excretion. Therefore, we should often eat corn, millet and whole wheat flour with malt oil. Sixth, silkworm chrysalis: rich nutrition, can invigorate the liver and kidney, enrich vital energy, strengthen the impotence and cure impotence, firm astringency and stop essence. Middle-aged and elderly people with liver and kidney deficiency, insufficient vital energy, impotence and spermatorrhea can be eaten.

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