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Men How to dispel acne when acne destroys men's small partial prescription of facial value How to eliminate acne,prescription,destroy,man,face value,acne October 12, 2019

Xiaobian Fang 1: Sydney Celery Juice

Anti-acne materials: celery, tomatoes, sydney, lemon

Practice: After washing all the ingredients, mix the juice in the juicer and drink it once a day.

Efficacy: Sydney celery juice can clear away heat and moisturize skin. It is suitable for assistant treatment of acne.

Xiaobianfang 2: Wash your face with hot water to remove acne

1. Many people mistakenly believe that the hotter the water is, the easier it is to wash the grease off your face. This is totally wrong.

2. Water temperature is usually about the same as body temperature. Water temperature is too high to take away grease and moisture from skin at the same time.

3. When choosing cleansers, we must choose a refreshing, non-irritating cleanser.

Xiaobianfang 3: Seaweed Coix porridge

Anti-acne materials: seaweed, kumbu, sweet almond, coix seed

Practice: Seaweed, kumbu, sweet almond were decocted with water, discarded residue and juice, then cooked porridge with Coix seed, once a day, 3 weeks as a course of treatment.

Efficacy: Seaweed coix seed porridge activates blood circulation and removes blood stasis, eliminates inflammation, softens and firms, and is suitable for dispelling acne.

Xiaobianfang 4: A cup of yogurt every day

Say goodbye to constipation acne, drink a cup of yogurt every day, intestinal health, toxins are not easy to accumulate in the body, Acne Naturally is not easy to attack.

Xiaobianfang 5: Carrot and Celery Juice

Anti-acne materials: carrot, celery, onion

Practice: After washing all the above materials, put them into the juice mixer to stir the juice, drink, once a day.

Efficacy: Carrot celery juice can clear heat and detoxify, dispel fire, and help prevent and cure acne.

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