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Archives The harm of calcium deficiency in children What is the effect of calcium deficiency in children? Children,Calcium Deficiency,Impact,What,Harm October 12, 2019

As we all know, calcium supplement is very important to human body, especially for children, because children are just at the time of bone development, and bone growth and development needs calcium, so calcium deficiency has a lot of harm to children's growth and development. Next, let's look at the harm of calcium deficiency in children.

1. Osteoporosis

It may cause his osteoporosis, for example. Usually we can pass the ultrasound bone density test, which will show that the bone density is very low, to a certain extent. If the child falls, knocks, it may be particularly vulnerable to a fracture problem.

2. Immune function
It will indirectly cause the child's immune function to decline, if the level of calcium in the body is particularly low, it will make the body's humoral immune function will decline, it can cause the body's three major nutrients metabolic disorders, such as three major substances, we generally refer to fat, carbohydrates, and protein. If these three nutrients metabolic disorders, it will indirectly lead to lower levels of immunoglobulin synthesis in the body, then it will lead to low immune function in children, it is easy to get sick repeatedly.

Above is to introduce the harm of calcium deficiency in children. In daily life, parents must pay attention to what vitamin D supplements are for calcium supplements in lids. At the same time, they should ensure that the children's diet is balanced and nutritious, so as to ensure the healthy growth of children.

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