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Osmanthus Sweet Wine Artemisia Cake Recipes The sweet-scented osmanthus sweet wine artemisia. Cooking such a sweet soup makes the kitchen full of aromas: the fragrance of wormwood leaves, the aroma of rice wine, the sweetness of osmanthus ... all kinds of aromas are perfectly intertwined and refreshing. Scoop a spoonful of the soup to taste, the soft glutinous rice cake and the smoothness of egg flower, slide into the stomach almost without chewing, leaving a mouthful of sweet fragrance between the lips and teeth ... READ THE RECIPE

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Recipes Green Food—Mugwort Cake Mugwort cake enjoys great popularity in some areas of southern China. It tastes sweet and different from place to place due to different nationalities. The artemisia argyi cake is particularly green and fragrant in the Qingming season, soft, waxy and sweet, which helps warm people's hearts, moisten the spleen and stomach.
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Recipes Healthy Dessert in Spring Yam Red Bean Cake As spring is coming, a lot of yams are on the market. Yams and red beans both are nourishing. It is even more unexpectedly sweet to combine them to make a dessert.
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Recipes Nutritious and Healthy Rice Cereal with Low Fat in Spring The healthy rice cereal is easy to make, and carrots and white fungus is delicious and nutritious. It is also good for the skin, and the taste is sweet and delicate. Girls who love beauty must try.
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